Recruitment We are looking for talents to join JBKLAB.

- Support for Congratulatory and Condolence Events
- Share joy and sorrow together!
Provide congratulatory and condolence money and wreaths for personal and family events.

- Birthday Support
- Happy birthday to you!
Provide 200,000 mileage points for company product mall

- Long Service Awards
- Congratulations on long service!
1 million KRW for 5 years, 3 million KRW for 10 years, 5 million KRW for 10 years

- Support for Purchasing Company Products
- We take care of our employees first.
Apply employee discount when using the company product mall.
Provide 200,000 mileage points quarterly, 800,000 mileage points annually.

- Flexible Summer Vacation
- I decide my vacation!
Set summer vacation period according to desired schedule in July and August (separate notice). Maximize work efficiency and use cost-effective vacation.

- Vacation Expense Support
- Leave after hard work.
Provide 500,000 KRW each for summer vacation and holidays (Lunar New Year, Chuseok).

- Flexible Working Hours
- The start of work-life balance.
Implement flexible working hours according to individual and department conditions (separate consultation). Maximize work efficiency and improve quality of life.

- Self-Development Support
- I pioneer my own future.
Open online courses for competency enhancement (separate notice).

- Group Insurance System
- Precious you.
Join group insurance to prepare for workplace accidents.

- Company Stocks & Stock Options
- I am the owner of the company.
Provide company stocks to strengthen loyalty and ownership (irregularly).

- Vehicle Support
- Solid sales support.
Provide company vehicles and fuel expenses (sales department).